6 June – Romy van den Heerik, Ellen Droog, Melanie Jong Tjien Fa & Christian Burgers

Creative and constructive language production: Linguistic co-creation of health-campaign slogans on Facebook

New opportunities for researching language production (and particularly metaphor production) in natural settings have emerged through online co-creation, which enables audience members to become active contributors to pro-social campaigns (Zwass, 2010). A recent campaign by the Dutch Cancer Foundation aimed to set non-smoking as the social norm by asking audience members on social media to produce and share a metaphor through completing the slogan ‘Smoking is sóóó…’ with something old-fashioned (e.g. Playstation 1). We explored whether linguistic cues (presence of metaphor flags like ‘so’ or ‘sóóó’; Steen et al., 2010) and online quality cues (e.g., number of likes) impact the production of such slogans.

To answer this question, we conducted a production experiment with a 3 (metaphor flags: absent, ‘so’ or ‘sóóó’) x 3 (none, few, or many Facebook likes for previously posted slogans) between-subjects design, in which audience members co-created slogans for Facebook in a controlled research environment. We presented participants with different linguistic cues in the opening of the slogan and different cues of the online environment to study how they influence the ending of the slogan and lead to creative and constructive slogans.

Results will be presented during the research meeting.


Steen, G.J., Dorst, A.G., Herrmann, J.B., Kaal, A.A. & Krennmayr, T. (2010). Metaphor in usage. Cognitive Linguistics, 21(4), 765-796. doi:10.1515/COGL.2010.024 – 9 –

Zwass, V. (2010). Co-creation: Toward a taxonomy and an integrated research perspective. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 15(1), 11–48. doi:10.2753/JEC1086- 4415150101

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