Recent news
- No Metaphor Festival in 2020
- Metaphor Festival '19: Preliminary program online!
- Metaphor Festival '19: Registration is open!
- MetFest '19: extended deadline!
- Metaphor Festival 2019: CALL FOR PAPERS
- Annual report 2017
- Review of Mixing Metaphor
- Paper on domain constructions published
- Lettie Dorst and Berenike Herrmann give MIPVU workshop in Basel
- ACLC Lecture Gerard Steen
- Metaphor Festival ' 18: Report
- Hoe metaforen ons denken bepalen [How metaphors determine our thinking, ed.]
- Metaphor, hyperbole, and irony: Uses in isolation and in combination in written discourse
- Metaphor in the media: misplaced metaphor [Dutch]