Figurative framing

Topic and scope The Figurative Framing project studies the use, effects and evolution of figurative frames in public discourse on economic topics. It studies whether figurative frames using only one figure (metaphor, hyperbole or irony) operate in similar or distinct ways from figurative frames that combine figures.
Duration Feb 2014 – Jan 2018
Research question This project deals with the questions (1) how figurative frames are used in public discourse, (2) how figurative frames affect the public and (3) how figurative frames evolve over time.
Method The RQ is tackled by means of a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods: (1) corpus analysis of a corpus of (online) newspaper texts on economic topics from six sources, (2) experimental research and (3) case studies.
Status The first work package (first corpus analysis of figurative frames) is being finalized. Three papers are currently in preparation. A number of papers from the project have already been published. Other papers are under review and in the writing stage.
Researcher Christian Burgers
Funding NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) Vernieuwingsimpuls/VENI grant