16 October – Ilaria Rizzato

Translating figurative language in Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona

My presentation will focus on my translation of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, published in 2015 by Bompiani in Shakespeare’s four-volume complete works in Italian prose translation. Particularly, it will attempt to look at the issues raised by the translation of figurative language by considering them as a complex, context-related textual phenomenon. The theoretical framework for the analysis of figurative language in relation to translation will be mainly provided by Michele Prandi’s Conceptual Conflicts in Metaphors and Figurative Language (2017) and by Gerard Steen’s “Translating metaphor: What’s the problem?” (2014). The questions posed by the translation of figurative expressions will be discussed in the light of the textual objectives the comedy has both as an individual work and as part of this new edition resulting from the coordinated efforts of a team of translators and scholars.