Christian Burgers guest speaker at ACLC seminar

Event Date: October 13, 2017
Event Time: 3.15pm-4.30pm

On the 13th of October Dr. Christian Burgers will be guest speaker at the ACLC seminar taking place in PCH 3.01, from 15.15-16.30.

He will be talking about the figurative framing in political discourse. Read the abstract of the presentation below.

From conceptualizing Brexit as a metaphorical divorce between the UK and the EU to US President Donald Trump’s campaign promise to “drain the swamp”, many social actors use figurative language (metaphor, hyperbole, irony) to frame and talk about political issues. In the current talk, I give an overview of research from my NWO/VENI project “Figurative Framing” (2014-2018). I first place figurative framing within general communication theories on framing. Subsequently, I discuss empirical research on the questions of how figurative frames are used in public discourse, affect their recipients and change over time.

Metaphor Lab • October 4, 2017

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