This overview includes various articles, books, book chapters and corpora that have been published by Metaphor Lab members over the years.
In press/submitted
- Krennmayr, T., and Steen, G.J. (In press). The VU Amsterdam Metaphor Corpus. In: N. Ide and J. Pustejovsky (Eds.), Handbook of Linguistic Annotation. Berlin: Springer.
Refereed articles
- Reijnierse, G.W., Burgers, C., Krennmayr, T., Steen, G.J. (2018). On metaphorical views, dynamite, and doodlings: Functions of domain adjectives in metaphorical domain constructions. Review of Cognitieve Linguistics 16 (2), 431 – 454. DOI: 10.1075/rcl.00017.rei
- Burgers, C., Renardel de Lavalette, K.Y., & Steen, G.J. (2018). Metaphor, hyperbole, and irony: Uses in isolation and in combination in written discourse. Journal of Pragmatics 127, 71-83. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2018.01.009
- Reijnierse, W.G., Burgers, C., Krennmayr, T., & Steen, G.J. (2018). DMIP: A method for identifying potentially deliberate metaphor in language use. Corpus Pragmatics. DOI: 10.1007/s41701-017-0026-7
Refereed articles
- Boeynaems, A., Burgers, C., Konijn, E.A., & Steen, G.J. (2017). The Impact of Conventional and Novel Metaphors in News on Issue Viewpoint. International Journal of Communication, 11, 2861–2879. doi:1932–8036/20170005
- Boeynaems, A., Burgers, C., Konijn, E.A., & Steen, G.J. (2017). The effects of metaphorical framing on political persuasion: A systematic literature review. Metaphor and Symbol, 32(2), 118-134. doi:10.1080/10926488.2017.1297623
- Bolognesi, M. & Aina, L. (2017). Similarity is Closeness: using distributional semantic spaces to model similarity in visual and linguistic metaphors. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
- Brugman, B.C., Burgers, C., & Steen, G.J. (2017). Recategorizing political frames: a systematic review of metaphorical framing in experiments on political communication. Annals of the International Communication Association, 1-17, doi:10.1080/23808985.2017.1312481
- Beukeboom, C.J., & Burgers, C. (2017). Linguistic bias. In H. Giles and J. Harwood (eds.). Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication. New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/
9780190228613.013.439 - van den Heerik, R.A.M., van Hooijdonk, C.M.J., Burgers, C., & Steen, G.J. (2017). “Smoking is sóóó… sandals and white socks”: Co-creation of a Dutch anti-smoking campaign to change social norms. Health Communication, 32(5), 621-628. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1168000.
- Reijnierse, W.G., Burgers, C., Krennmayr, T., & Steen, G.J. (2017). DMIP: A Method for Identifying Potentially Deliberate Metaphor in Language Use. Corpus Pragmatics. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/
s41701-017-0026-7. - Renardel de Lavalette, K.Y., Steen, G.J. & Burgers, C. (2017). How to Identify Moral Language in Political Speeches: A comparison between a social-psychological and a cognitive-linguistic approach to corpus analysis. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
- Steen, G.J. (2017). Deliberate Metaphor Theory: Basic assumptions, main tenets, urgent issues. Intercultural Pragmatics, 14(1), 1-24. doi: 10.1515/ip-2017-0001
Publications for a professional audience
- Burgers, C., Eden, A., & de Jong, R. (2017). Voorkom zombies: Hoe kiezen consumenten jouw app? Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 51(1/2), 46-49.
Book chapters
- Burgers, C., & van Mulken, M. (2017). Humor markers. In S. Attardo (ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor (Series: Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics, pp. 385-399). New York: Routledge.Steen, G.J. (2017). Identifying metaphors in language. In Koller, Z. Demjén, and E. Semino (Eds.), Handbook of metaphor and language, pp. 73-87. London: Routledge.
- Steen, G.J. (2017). Attention to metaphor: where embodied cognition and social interaction can meet, but may not often do so. In B. Hampe (ed.), in press, Metaphor: Embodied Cognition and Discourse, pp. 279-296. Cambridge University Press.
- Burgers, C., Steen, G.J. (2017) Introducing a three-dimensional model of verbal irony: Irony in language, in thought, and in communication. In A. Athanasiadou and H. L. Colston (eds.), Irony in Language Use and Communication, pp. 87-108. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Book review
- Toijanniemi, O. (2017). Näkökulmia asiantuntijadiskurssien metaforisuuteen [Review of the book Metaphor in specialist discourse by J. B. Herrmann & T. B. Sardinha (Eds.)] Virittäjä (1)
- Sun, Y. (2017). [Review of the book Metaphor in specialist discourse by J. B. Herrmann & T. B. Sardinha (Eds.)] Discourse Studies 19(6).
Refereed articles
- Bolognesi, M. (2016). Modeling Semantic Similarity between Metaphor Terms of Visual vs. Linguistic Metaphors through Flickr Tag Distributions. Frontiers in Communication, 1(9). doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2016.00009
- Bolognesi, M. (2016). Using semantic feature norms to investigate how the visual and verbal modes afford metaphor construction and expression. Language and Cognition, 27, 1-28. doi: 10.1017/langcog.2016.27.
- Bolognesi, M., Pilgram, R. & van den Heerik, R.A.M. (2016). Reliability in content analysis: the case of semantic feature norms classification. Behavior Research Methods.
- Burgers, C. (2016). Conceptualizing change in communication through metaphor. Journal of Communication, 66(2), 250-265. doi: 10.1111/jcom.12211
- Burgers, C., Brugman, B. C., Renardel de Lavalette, K. Y., & Steen, G. J. (2016). HIP: A method for linguistic hyperbole identification in discourse. Metaphor and Symbol, 31(3), 163-178. doi: 10.1080/10926488.2016.1187041
- Burgers, C., & Beukeboom, C.J. (2016). Stereotype transmission and maintenance through interpersonal communication: The Irony Bias. Communication Research, 43(3), 414-441. doi: 10.1177/0093650214534975
- Burgers, C., Eden, A., de Jong, R., & Buningh, S. (2016). Rousing reviews and instigative images: The impact of online reviews and visual design characteristics on app downloads. Mobile Media and Communication, 4(3), 327-346. doi: 10.1177/2050157916639348
- Burgers, C., Konijn, E.A., & Steen, G.J. (2016). Figurative Framing: Shaping public discourse through metaphor, hyperbole and irony. Communication Theory. doi: 10.1111/comt.12096
- Wagemans, J.H.M. (2016). Analyzing metaphor in argumentative discourse. Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 10(2), 79-94.
Book chapters
- Steen, G.J. (2016). Metaphor and style through genre, with illustrations from Carroll Ann Duffy’s Rapture. In: V. Sotirova (Ed.), Companion to Stylistics, pp. 308-24. London: Continuum.
- Steen, G.J. (2016). Mixed metaphor is a question deliberateness. In: R.W. Gibbs, jr., (Ed.), Mixed metaphor. Amsterdam: John Benjamin.
- Steen, G.J. (2016). Sensory motor concepts and metaphor in usage. In: L. Ströbel (Ed.), Proceedings of the international conference “Sensory Motor Concepts in Language & Cognition” (SMCLC11), 85-108. Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf University Press.
Publications for a general audience
Renardel de Lavalette, K.Y., Burgers, C., & Steen, G. J. (2016). Verzorgende ouders en strenge vaders: Morele metaforen in Amerikaanse politiek.Tekst[blad], 22(2), 12-15.
Refereed articles
- Burgers, C., Beukeboom, C.J., Kelder, M., & Peeters, M.M.E. (2015). How sports fans forge intergroup competition through language: The case of verbal irony. Human Communication Research, 41(3), 435-457. doi: 10.1111/hcre.12052
- Burgers, C., Konijn, E.A., Steen, G.J., & Iepsma, M.A.R. (2015). Making ads less complex, yet more creative and persuasive: The effects of conventional metaphors and irony in print advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 34(3), 515-532. doi: 10.1080/02650487.2014.996200.
- Lagerwerf, L., Boeynaems, A., van Egmond-Brussee, C., & Burgers, C. (2015). Immediate attention for public speech: Differential effects of rhetorical schemes and valence framing in political radio speeches. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 34(3), 273-299. doi: 10.1177/0261927X14557947
- MacArthur, F., Krennmayr, T., & Littlemore, J. (2015). How basic is “UNDERSTANDING IS SEEING” when reasoning about knowledge? Asymmetric uses of sight metaphors in office hours consultations in English as academid lingua franca, Metaphor and Symbol, 30(3), 184-217. doi: 10.1080/10926488.2015.1049507
- Reijnierse, W.G., Burgers, C.F. Krennmayr, T., and Steen, G.J. (2015). How viruses and beasts affect our opinion (or not): The role of extendedness in metaphorical framing. Metaphor and the Social World, 5(2), 245-263. doi: 10.1075/msw.5.2.04rei
- Steen, G.J. (2015). Developing, testing and interpreting Deliberate Metaphor Theory. Journal of Pragmatics. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2015.03.013
Refereed articles
- Costa da Souza, A. & Steen, G.J. (2014). Metaphor as a window on talk about trauma and post traumatic growth. Scripta, 18 (34), 283-302.
- Gavins, J. (2014). Metaphor studies in retrospect and prospect. An interview with Gerard Steen. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 12(2), 1877-9751.
- Krennmayr, T., Bowdle, B., Mulder, G. & Steen, G.J. (2014). Building metaphorical schemas when reading text. Metaphor and the Social World, 4(1), 65 –89.
- Steen, G.J., Reijnierse, W.G. & Burgers, C. (2014). When Do Natural Language Metaphors Influence Reasoning? A Follow-Up Study to Thibodeau and Boroditsky (2013). PLoS ONE, 9(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113536
Steen, G.J. (2014). 15 Questions about metaphor research to Gerard Steen. Metaphorik.de 25/2014, 155-167.
Book chapters
- Steen, G.J. (2014). Translating metaphor: What’s the problem? In: D.R. Miller and E. Monti (Eds.), Translating figurative language, pp. 11-24. Bologna: Alma Mater Digital Library.
- Steen, G.J. (2014). Metaphor and style. In: P. Stockwell & S. Whiteley (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of stylistics, pp. 315-28. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Steen, G.J. (2014). The cognitive-linguistic revolution in metaphor studies. In: J. Littlemore & J. Taylor, J. (Eds.), Companion to cognitive linguistics, pp. 117-142. London: Continuum.
Refereed articles
- Burgers, C., & van Mulken, M. (2013). Het ironisch spectrum: Een overzicht van onderzoek naar het begrip en de retorische effecten van verbale ironie. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 35(2), 183-202.
- Burgers, C., Van Mulken, M. & Schellens, P.J. (2013). The use of co-textual irony markers in written discourse. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 26(1), 45-68.
- Dorst, A.G, Reijnierse, W.G., & Venhuizen, G. (2013). One small step for MIP towards automated metaphor identification? Formulating general rules to determine basic meanings in large-scale approaches to metaphor. Metaphor and the Social World, 3(1), 77-99.
- Krennmayr, T. (2013). Adding transparency to the identification of cross-domain mappings in discourse. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 11(1), 163-184.
- Krennmayr, T. (2013). Top-down versus bottom-up approaches to the identification of metaphor in discourse. Metaphorik.de, 24, 7-36.
- Littlemore, J., Krennmayr, T., Turner, S., & Turner, J. (2013). An investigation into metaphor use at different levels of second language writing. Applied Linguistics, Advance Access published May 2, 2013
- Steen, G.J. (2013). Deliberate metaphor affords conscious metaphorical cognition. Journal of Cognitive Semiotics 5(1-2), special issue on Conceptual Metaphor Theory: Thirty Years After, 179-197.
- Šorm, E., & Steen, G. J. (2013). Processing visual metaphor: A study in thinking out loud. Metaphor and the Social World, 3(1), 1–33. Download visuals
Book chapters
- Burgers, C., Van Mulken, M. & Schellens, P.J. (2013). On irony, images and creativity: A corpus-analytic approach. In: T. Veale, K. Feyaerts & C.J. Forceville (Eds.) Creativity and the Agile Mind: A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Multifaceted Phenomenon, pp. 293-311. Berlin: Mouton.
- Steen, G.J. (2013). The contemporary theory of metaphor—now new and improved! In Francisco Gonzálvez-García, María Sandra Pena Cervel, and Lorena Pérez Hernández (Eds.), Metaphor and metonymy revisited beyond the contemporary theory of metaphor, pp. 27-66. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.